Main Characters
Role: Protagonist
Height: 6'0" Weight: 175 Physical condition: muscular, strong Hair: light brown Hair texture: straight Eyes: hazel Age: 16y 3m Complexion: tanned Attitude toward life: positive Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: positive Tobacco use: n/a Alcohol use: could be a problem Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Role: Reflection
Height: 5'11" Weight: 170 Physical condition: slender Hair: brown Hair texture: straight Eyes: blue Age: 16y 1m Complexion: Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: pack a day Alcohol use: Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Role: Reflection
Height: 5'11" Weight: 180 Physical condition: strong Hair: dark brown Hair texture: straight Eyes: hazel Age: 32y 5m Complexion: tanned Attitude toward life: realistic Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: Alcohol use: moderate Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Brenda Engel
Role: Antagonist
Height: Weight: Physical condition: Hair: Hair texture: Eyes: Age: Complexion: Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: Alcohol use: Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Supporting Characters
Height: 6'0" Weight: 175 Physical condition: solid, strong Hair: light brown Hair texture: wavy Eyes: blue Age: 20y 1m Complexion: Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: Alcohol use: Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Height: 5'10" Weight: 155 Physical condition: thin Hair: dark brown Hair texture: straight Eyes: blue Age: 19y 9m Complexion: pale Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: 2 packs a day Alcohol use: moderate Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Height: Weight: Physical condition: Hair: Hair texture: Eyes: Age: Complexion: Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: Alcohol use: Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
Height: Weight: Physical condition: Hair: Hair texture: Eyes: Age: Complexion: Attitude toward life: Attitude toward death: Philosophy of life: Tobacco use: Alcohol use: Other drug use: Other bad habits: Overriding character trait: Surprising contradiction: |
ResearchNotesAt its heart, this is a classic father-and-son story.
9-29-2015: Pour all this recent emotion (battered ego, torn-down self-worth, feeling like a loser) into this story of this wonderful young man who thinks he's anything but wonderful. 9-18-2016: Use this situation with John, his dysfunctional reaction of anger and being pissed off at me because I praised his poetry and told him how and why I felt he possessed a real gift, as illustration of how I see Peter in this story. Work with theme of Peter's lack of self-confidence & self-image (explains drinking as well as his allowing Brenda to use him). this story is a great candidate for my idea of taking all that testing and diagnostic material about John and applying him and it to a character, namely Peter → What is fueling the backstory that brings Peter to the point he's in the clutches of Brenda? The lack of self-worth? His poor self-image and self-esteem? His emotional downward spiral despite everything he (seemingly) has going for him? |