Frances' Ongoing Bibliography
Battle of Prestonpans Heritage Fund. (n.d.). The Prestonpans Tapestry. Editors. (2015). Claude Monet biography. Bio.
Bloomberg. (2014). Most efficient health care 2014: Countries. Bloomberg Best (and Worst).
Bollano, E., Einarson, T.R., & Koren, G. (2006). Prenatal multivitamin supplementation and rates of congenital anomalies: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Canada, 28(8), 680-689.
Burden, C. (2015). Newly restored "The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries presented at Musée de Cluny.
Burns, P.T. (2010). The Bayeux tapestry. The History of the Discovery of Cinematography.
Carter, C. (2014). I thought he wanted to cut ties with the French? Bayeux Tapestry necktie worn by Nigel Farage during the Rochester and Strood by-election is a sell-out. Daily
Chevalier, T. (2014a). Smell. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014b). Hearing. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014c). Taste. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014d). Touch. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014e). Sight. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Colan Australia. (2013). Plain weave. Composite Reinforcement.
Cook, L. (2015, Apr 15). Under Obamacare, uninsured rate continues to drop. U.S. News and World Report.
Davis, K., Stremikis, D., Schoen, C., & Squires, D. (2014). Mirror, mirror on the wall, 2014 update: How the U.S. health care system compares internationally. New York: The Commonwealth Fund.
Davis, L. (2014). The Story of Star Wars Hand-Stitched into a 30-foot Bayeux Tapestry.
Dimbleby, D. (2015). The Bayeux tapestry: Seven ages of Britain. The Khan Academy.
Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2015). Bayeux tapestry: Medieval embroidery. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Encyclopedia of Art History. (2015). The Bayeux tapestry: Design, history of anglo saxon embroidery of Norman conquest. Art Encyclopedia: Visual Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
Grape, W. (1997). The Bayeux tapestry (art & design). Prestel Publishing.
Hudson River School. (2015). Overview. Hudson River School – The Definitive Collection.
Jones, K. (2005). The seventh unicorn. New York City, NY: Berkley Books.
Medieval Mosaic Ltd. (2006). The Medieval Mosaic: The recreation of the Bayeux tapestry, as a 34 metre medieval mosaic masterpiece. 1066.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2015a). View on the Catskill—early autumn. The Collection Online.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2015b). The four trees. The Collection Online.
Musée de Cluny. (n.d.). Tenture de la dame à la licorne. Musée national du Moyen Age.
National Academics of Science. (2013). U.S. health in international perspective: Shorter lives, poorer health. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Non Conspiracy Orchestra. (n.d.). The Bayeux Tapestry.
Portsmouth Museum Services. (2015). D-Day and the Overlord Embroidery. D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery.
Rocksea & Sarah. (2013). Stem stitch. Sarah’s Hand Embroidery Tutorials.
Samu, M. (2015). Impressionism: Art and modernity. The Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.
Samuel, H. (2012). Bayeux tapestry isn't a tapestry and wasn't woven by nuns. The Telegraph.
Short, W.L. (2015). Styles of art in the Viking age. Hurstwic.
Some of My Embroidery. (2009) Some of my embroidery.
Teodorescu, C.D. (2010). La tenture de la dame la licorne: Nouvelle lecture des armoiries. Bulletin Monumental, Société française d'archéologie, 168(4), pp. 355-367.
Taelle, T. (2014, Sep 14). U.S. infant mortality rate worse than other countries. Healthday. CBS Interactive Inc.
Uttenreitter, A.L. (2010). Frankrig-Bayeux.
World Health Organization. (2000). The world health report 2000: Health systems: Improving performance. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization Office of Publications.
Zolfagharifard, E. (2014). The Bayeux Tapestry is finally complete: Stunning embroidery goes on display after Channel Islanders spend a year finishing the 900-year-old masterpiece. Daily
Battle of Prestonpans Heritage Fund. (n.d.). The Prestonpans Tapestry. Editors. (2015). Claude Monet biography. Bio.
Bloomberg. (2014). Most efficient health care 2014: Countries. Bloomberg Best (and Worst).
Bollano, E., Einarson, T.R., & Koren, G. (2006). Prenatal multivitamin supplementation and rates of congenital anomalies: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Canada, 28(8), 680-689.
Burden, C. (2015). Newly restored "The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries presented at Musée de Cluny.
Burns, P.T. (2010). The Bayeux tapestry. The History of the Discovery of Cinematography.
Carter, C. (2014). I thought he wanted to cut ties with the French? Bayeux Tapestry necktie worn by Nigel Farage during the Rochester and Strood by-election is a sell-out. Daily
Chevalier, T. (2014a). Smell. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014b). Hearing. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014c). Taste. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014d). Touch. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Chevalier, T. (2014e). Sight. The Lady and the Unicorn: The Tapestries.
Colan Australia. (2013). Plain weave. Composite Reinforcement.
Cook, L. (2015, Apr 15). Under Obamacare, uninsured rate continues to drop. U.S. News and World Report.
Davis, K., Stremikis, D., Schoen, C., & Squires, D. (2014). Mirror, mirror on the wall, 2014 update: How the U.S. health care system compares internationally. New York: The Commonwealth Fund.
Davis, L. (2014). The Story of Star Wars Hand-Stitched into a 30-foot Bayeux Tapestry.
Dimbleby, D. (2015). The Bayeux tapestry: Seven ages of Britain. The Khan Academy.
Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2015). Bayeux tapestry: Medieval embroidery. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Encyclopedia of Art History. (2015). The Bayeux tapestry: Design, history of anglo saxon embroidery of Norman conquest. Art Encyclopedia: Visual Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
Grape, W. (1997). The Bayeux tapestry (art & design). Prestel Publishing.
Hudson River School. (2015). Overview. Hudson River School – The Definitive Collection.
Jones, K. (2005). The seventh unicorn. New York City, NY: Berkley Books.
Medieval Mosaic Ltd. (2006). The Medieval Mosaic: The recreation of the Bayeux tapestry, as a 34 metre medieval mosaic masterpiece. 1066.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2015a). View on the Catskill—early autumn. The Collection Online.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2015b). The four trees. The Collection Online.
Musée de Cluny. (n.d.). Tenture de la dame à la licorne. Musée national du Moyen Age.
National Academics of Science. (2013). U.S. health in international perspective: Shorter lives, poorer health. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Non Conspiracy Orchestra. (n.d.). The Bayeux Tapestry.
Portsmouth Museum Services. (2015). D-Day and the Overlord Embroidery. D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery.
Rocksea & Sarah. (2013). Stem stitch. Sarah’s Hand Embroidery Tutorials.
Samu, M. (2015). Impressionism: Art and modernity. The Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.
Samuel, H. (2012). Bayeux tapestry isn't a tapestry and wasn't woven by nuns. The Telegraph.
Short, W.L. (2015). Styles of art in the Viking age. Hurstwic.
Some of My Embroidery. (2009) Some of my embroidery.
Teodorescu, C.D. (2010). La tenture de la dame la licorne: Nouvelle lecture des armoiries. Bulletin Monumental, Société française d'archéologie, 168(4), pp. 355-367.
Taelle, T. (2014, Sep 14). U.S. infant mortality rate worse than other countries. Healthday. CBS Interactive Inc.
Uttenreitter, A.L. (2010). Frankrig-Bayeux.
World Health Organization. (2000). The world health report 2000: Health systems: Improving performance. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization Office of Publications.
Zolfagharifard, E. (2014). The Bayeux Tapestry is finally complete: Stunning embroidery goes on display after Channel Islanders spend a year finishing the 900-year-old masterpiece. Daily